It is not a common sight to choose your siblings as your ideal type but after hearing from 's DoYeon, it looks like it is possible.

Not long ago, DoYeon had appeared as a guest along with 's NaEun onto 's YeRi YouTube show.

For the full episode, you can check it out below.

For those who did not notice, all 3 of them were born in 1999 and are actually close to one another.

They shared about how they became close and also talked about some of the qualities they look out for in their ideal type. You can check out the moment around 9:30 of the video.

When it came to DoYeon, her answer had caused many to become surprised as she mentioned that her older brother is actually her ideal type!

Most of the time siblings tend to bicker and quarrel with one another but it seemed like DoYeon and her older brother are actually close to each other.

She explained that she had chosen her brother because he is good in studying.

With that being said, NaEun and YeRi suggested that maybe her older brother has a 'sexy' brain which showed how DoYeon is attracted to people who are smart.

Fans who had watched the video found it hard to believe that DoYeon had chose her older brother and shared that they would never choose their sibling as their ideal type. Some also mentioned that it is possible to get along with siblings but impossible to choose them as their ideal type, causing many to laugh.

Do you find DoYeon's answer surprising?