Yangdong Market (양동시장)


Yangdong Market started in the 1910s as a traditional market held on dates ending in 2 and 7 of every month on the white sand beach under Gwangjugyo Bridge. The market has a long history and local citizens have many sayings referring to the multitude of items available here. During the May 18th Democratization Movement, both Yangdong and Daein markets were a grand venue where the citizens of Gwangju gathered together to rally for democratization of the nation. Merchants of the markets provided food, beverages, and medicine to the protestors and participated in the movement alongside their fellow citizens.

Yangdong Market is an outstanding traditional market among all markets throughout the nation. The market has upgraded with the times to include modern conveniences, including a consolidated market logo, online shopping mall, and shop owner education classes.



238, Cheonbyeonjwa-ro, Seo-gu, Gwangju[Google Map]



• 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-62-366-0884





Yangdong Market Station (Gwangju Subway Line1), Exit 1.



Additional Info


tel: +82-62-366-0884

telname: Gwangju Yangdong Market Owners’ Association

zipcode: 61924

opendateshopping: 1910s

opentime: 07:00-21:00

parkingshopping: Paid parking available (700 won for each 30 minute increment / Aboveground parking: First 30 min. free; Underground parking: First 90 min. free)

restdateshopping: April-September: First and third Sunday of each month & designated holidays
October-March: N/A (Open every day)

restroom: Available

saleitem: Hongeo, dried fish, whole chicken, clothing, furniture, curtains, etc.

scaleshopping: Total floor space 10,563㎡, Building space 1,253㎡. 4 structures