The JTBC weekend drama ‘The Tale Of Lady Ok’, which first aired on the 30th, unfolds an intriguing story centered around the dramatic life changes of the protagonist Gudeok (played by Lim JiYeon). Living a harsh life as a slave, Gudeok secretly saves money while dreaming of a life in a noble family. Her chance encounter with Song Seoin (played by Chu YoungWoo) significantly alters her destiny.
Song Seoin becomes fascinated by Gudeok’s vast knowledge and love for reading, despite her being a slave. Gudeok sneaks into a banquet at Song Seoin’s house to work secretly and meets him again, gradually growing closer to him. However, the appearance of the lady puts Gudeok in a difficult situation, and her conflict with Song Seoin’s mother worsens.
Eventually, due to the lady’s false accusations, Gudeok ends up in the master’s bedroom, attacks him, and makes her escape. Living quietly in a tavern after leaving Hanyang, Gudeok meets the Qing-dynasty lady Ok Taeyoung (played by Son NaEun). Ok Taeyoung wants to break the social status barrier, become friends with Gudeok, and adopts her as a foster daughter. However, a tragic incident at the tavern results in Ok Taeyoung losing her life, and Gudeok begins a new life under the guidance of her grandmother.
Gudeok’s dramatic rise in status and transformation makes the future developments even more anticipated. ‘The Tale Of Lady Ok’ airs every Saturday and Sunday at 9:30 PM on JTBC. There is growing interest in what kind of life Gudeok will lead in the future and her journey ahead.