In the 29th episode aired on the 2nd, Hyeonjong (played by Kim DongJun) decisively deals with rebels and begins preparations for the war against the Khitans. The appointment of Kang Gam-chan (played by Choi Soo-jong) as the commander of the armed forces and his subsequent deployment order heightened the tension, recording a viewer rating of 11.0%, securing the top spot among dramas broadcasted at the same time.
The episode showcased Kang Gam-chan rushing to the western capital to confront the Khitan army. Hyeonjong emphasizes the importance of war preparations to Kang Gam-chan, signaling the imminent decisive battle for Goryeo. In 1018, Goryeo took long-term measures such as building fortresses in Gaegyeong and training heavy cavalry. Efforts were also made in territorial management, including the gathering of local military officers and deploying new administrators.
Facing the Khitan’s conscription, Kang Gam-chan asks Hyeonjong for a mobilization order, stressing the need for a decisive battle to annihilate the enemy. Hyeonjong agrees to his request, appointing him as the commander and granting him all necessary powers for the war. Specifically, Hyeonjong sends him off with a promise of waiting for the news of victory.
During the war preparations, Goryeo’s soldiers dedicated themselves to heavy cavalry training and made swift preparations for a decisive battle to annihilate the Khitan army. The episode ends with Kang Gam-chan and So Bae-ap (played by Kim Jun-bae) declaring war, heightening anticipation for the next episode.
The 30th episode of ‘Korea–Khitan War’, set to air tonight at 9:15 PM, focuses on the final decisive battle between Goryeo and the Khitans, drawing keen interest from viewers. This drama, based on historical events from the Goryeo era, has been well-received for its intense storyline and excellent production, with all preparations for the final battle now complete, raising expectations for future developments.