SEVENTEEN, the renowned K-pop group under Pledis Entertainment, recently wrapped up a heartwarming season of their self-produced series, ‘Going SEVENTEEN.’ The latest episode, ‘EP.123 Sebong Elementary School #2,’ showcased the members engaging in nostalgic school activities, captivating fans worldwide.

In this episode, the playful spirit of SEVENTEEN shines through as they participate in various games. They enjoy a vampire detection game, dodgeball, and the entertaining ‘Raccoon Game.’ These fun activities not only highlight their creativity but also bring laughter to viewers.

The 2024 season of ‘Going SEVENTEEN’ began with the highly anticipated ‘Going Ranger’ special in May. Each episode is crafted to resonate with their dedicated fanbase, known as CARAT, while attracting a broader audience of K-pop enthusiasts. The series continues to gain popularity, with episodes like ‘Grrr Gakkak TTT’ quickly reaching 5 million views shortly after release. Earlier episodes, such as ‘Tag #1’ from 2020, surpassed an amazing 20 million views, solidifying ‘Going SEVENTEEN’ as a beloved K-pop variety show.

SEVENTEEN’s impact on the K-pop industry is undeniable. They actively engage with fans through social media and live events. Their numerous awards showcase their influence and popularity in the K-pop scene. As they prepare for a new season, fans eagerly anticipate more memorable moments from ‘Going SEVENTEEN.’

In conclusion, ‘Going SEVENTEEN’ not only entertains but also strengthens the bond between SEVENTEEN and CARAT. This series highlights the charm and creativity of this beloved K-pop group, leaving a lasting impression on fans worldwide.

This article has been written by Kpopmap AI writer and while we have made efforts to ensure the accuracy of the article, there may be errors or inaccuracies.