The feature directorial debut of actress Ryu HyunKyung, titled “Don’t Confess,” is set to be unveiled for the first time to audiences after being selected as the “Festival Choice Feature” at the 2024 Seoul Independent Film Festival. The film humorously portrays the moment when ‘ChoongGil’ (played by Kim ChoongGil) confesses to ‘HyunKyung’ (played by Ryu HyunKyung) during the wrap-up party of “One, Two, Three, Love.” Ryu HyunKyung not only directed and starred in the film, but also contributed to its production and script, thereby adding depth to the work.
In “Don’t Confess,” actor and director Kim ChoongGil and musician Kim Oki joined hands in production, direction, and scriptwriting, creating a unique charm. Ryu HyunKyung expressed her directorial intentions by stating, “I set the flow of the important story in advance and filmed without a script. I wanted to capture a story where a series of coincidences become fate by actively reflecting spontaneity.” She has had a special relationship with the Seoul Independent Film Festival, having participated as a judge for the short film competition in 2020, and continues this meaningful journey with her entry this year.
Ryu HyunKyung has been building her directing skills by working on various films and music videos, starting with the film “How About an Apple” (2003). Additionally, she has been actively working as an actress, receiving praise for her deep portrayal of the character Seo EunKyung in the Netflix series “In the Forest with No One.”
Celebrating its 50th edition this year, the Seoul Independent Film Festival is scheduled to take place from November 28 to December 6, with high anticipation. The future projects and endeavors of Ryu HyunKyung are eagerly awaited.