Welcome to the seventeenth article of Kpopmap's weekly series: Kpopmap Mood Playlist! In this series, with articles released every Friday, we create a playlist of some unique songs across various genres such as K-Pop, K-Rock/Indie/Hip-Hop/R&B, ballads, city pop, and more, perfectly curated for a very specific mood. Through this series, we want to introduce you to artists and genres as well as give you the perfect collection of songs to jam out to, regardless of how particular your mood is. Don't forget to tell us what your mood is like in the comments down below for a Mood Playlist, just for you!

You can find all our playlists by clicking here. Subscribe and stay tuned to Kpopmap's YouTube channel for hour-long extended playlists!


Today's Playlist is for all the students working hard towards their dreams. Do you have trouble concentrating without the perfect playlist in the background? You’ve come to the right place! Presenting Kpopmap’s latest study playlist featuring lo-fi K-Pop, K-Indie, and K-R&B songs to listen to while you’re hard at work. Productivity guaranteed!


1. Epik High - ‘Rain Song’ feat. Colde


'Rain Song' is one of those masterpieces that touches your heart in a new way every time you listen to it. The calm and soothing neo-R&B melody is a treat to the ears. Without a doubt, it is the perfect song to listen to as you immerse yourself in your books.


2. B.I - ‘Daydream’ feat. LeeHi


'Daydream' is an enthusiastic pop-rap piece that brings out the best of both B.I and LeeHi. The beat is catchy enough to motivate you but not rush you into overworking, setting a tempo that is easy to fall into. There couldn't be a better song than 'Daydream' to make studying feel effortless.


3. ASTRO’s MoonBin&SanHa - ‘Ghost Town’


One of the most unique and experimental tracks from MoonBin&SanHa, 'Ghost Town', features a lo-fi trap beat accompanied with acoustic guitar strums, creating an original sound that is hard to find. In addition, the flawless vocals on this song are laid out smoothly, capturing the essence of the lyrics. This is what a 10/10 sounds like!


4. KINDA BLUE - ‘I Can’t Make You Love Me’ feat. MAMAMOO’s HwaSa


Slow down and revise with 'I Can't Make You Love Me', an intimate and melancholic confessional that is sure to comfort you, no matter how much you're struggling. KINDA BLUE and HwaSa's vocals are a match made in musical heaven and we can't help but wish for an entire collaborative album. 


5. P1Harmony - ‘If You Call Me’


One of P1Harmony's finest songs, 'If You Call Me' highlights each member's strengths while also accentuating the group's overwhelming synergy. The soul and R&B influences are so wonderfully incorporated into P1Harmony's unique sound that it makes the melody stand out even more. This song is perfect for giving you the final push into finishing up and listening to more P1Harmony. 

Check out Kpopmap's extended hour-long study playlist below!


What kind of playlist would you like us to make next? Let us know in the comments down below!