ASTRO Official
Are you also curious about fellow K-Pop fans?! Let’s hear their stories and interests in Kpopmap Fan Interview Project.
There are K-Pop fans across the globe who share the same passion. But on online platforms, it is hard to know about each other’ stories and K-Pop life. Even if we are in the same fandom, it is hard to get to know each other.
So at Kpopmap, we started the Kpopmap Fan Interview Project to get to know more about K-Pop fans from different countries: more about their K-Pop life and tastes and to give them the opportunity to share with our readers about their favorite group(s) and bias.
Candice is the next fan to answer our questions. She is from France and is a fan of ASTRO and her bias is MoonBin! Check out how she entered the fandom, the songs and content she advises to new fans, and much more!
Can you introduce yourself? Where are you from?
Hello, my name is Candice. I’m 16, I’m French and I’m here to talk about the group ASTRO.
How and when did you enter the fandom?
At the beginning I only knew Cha EunWoo thanks to dramas then I have a friend who taught me that he was in a group of K-Pop ASTRO. So I listened to their music which I found incredible. I’ve been listening to them every day for about a year and a half.
What are the reasons why you love your favorite group?
For me, the members of ASTRO are in addition to being beautiful, formidable, super talented. I found that their music stands out from other bands that’s why I like them and that I’m a fan.
Who caught your attention at first and why?
The first member to have caught my attention is Cha EunWoo because I did not know the group. I think his acting is incredible, he managed to make me cry several times when I watch “True Beauty”. I recommend this series if you haven’t watched it yet.
Who is your bias, and why?
I would say it’s MoonBin because for me his way of dancing and expressing himself stands out from the rest of the group his voice is magnificent I obviously love all the members of the group for me they are growing stars every day!
Can you recommend a title track and a B-side track for new fans?
I advise you to listen to the song ‘ONE’ simply because as ASTRO says “We are one”, for me that is what makes us strong.

The second music that I can advise you is ‘Call Out’ it puts me in a good mood every time I listen to it!

Can you recommend a fancam, V-Live, cover video, cover dance, or individual content video of your bias to our readers?
I recommend the performance of MoonBin and SanHa on ‘bad guy’ by Billie Eilish,

the duet of Rocky and JinJin with ‘Just Breath’,

Cha EunWoo with ‘Don’t Cry, My Love’,

and MJ with ‘Get Set Yo’.

Can you also do the same type of recommendation for the group?
In my opinion, you have to watch the videos of “DDOCA”, they are videos on YouTube. They make me laugh a lot. You can see their complicity and I find it magnificent. There are also dance videos which illustrate very good their talents.

Can you share with us one of your favorite lyrics?
“생각이 많아 복잡해지면
너를 위한 노래를 부를 게 “
– ‘You & Me (Thanks AROHA)’
It means in English “When you have a lot to think about and it gets complicated I will sing a song for you”. And that means in French “Quand tu as beaucoup de penser et que ça se complique je chanterai une chanson pour toi “.

Are there any words from the members you would like to share?
The members of the group are extraordinary and always present with us the AROHAs whether through their music but also through the lives. For example, when there is a birthday for one of the members, the member in question does a live show with a cake and talks, spends time with us and I find that very nice of them.
What is your favorite group/bias’ influence on your daily life?
The group ASTRO has a lot of positive influence on me, when I’m not feeling very well I listen to their music and I feel better right away it puts me in a good mood. They have the talent to bring joy to all the AROHA as soon as we see them and listen to them. Right now, I am learning Korean to be able to speak and understand the language more.
What is your favorite side of fangirling/fanboying?
My favorite part of fangirling and fanboying is that even if we don’t necessarily know each other thanks to our love for ASTRO, through Instagram in particular we talk and let’s get to know each other even if we don’t always speak the same language and don’t come from the same country.
You can also add a message/letter to your bias or show it on a message scrapbook.
Dear ASTRO, I want you to know that you are incredible, in addition to being beautiful you are super talented whether it is in song, dance or acting you are perfect You have the power to bring a smile to every AROHAs and boost their self-confidence. You helped me feel better and I thank you for that. For me you are stars growing more and more every day! I will continue to support you. 💖
Thank you for answering our questions, Candice.
If you are interested in joining Kpopmap Fan Interview Project, please get in touch with us at contact@kpopmap.com. Everyone is welcome to participate.
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