The global boy group survival show “Universe League,” co-produced by SBS and F&F Entertainment, premiered on November 22 and has been capturing the attention of fans in the hope of witnessing the dream match of the next big global male K-Pop group sensation.
“Universe League” is the second season and male version of “Universe Ticket”, the survival show that formed the girl group UNIS. At the end of the finale episode of “Universe Ticket” on January 17, a ‘Coming Soon’ video was released, heightening expectations among global K-Pop fans.
The show aims to differentiate itself completely from ‘Universe Ticket’ by emphasizing group-based competition. 42 contestants are divided into three teams—Rhythm, Groove, and Beat—and will engage in a fierce survival battle for the ultimate prize, the ‘Prism Cup’.
Above all, the most notable aspect is the 42 boys participating in the Dream Match. In addition to the ordinary individuals pursuing their dreams of debuting for the first time in the “Universe League”, there are several well-known participants who stand out.
From Cha WoongKi and Zhang Shuaibo, participants in last year’s survival program “Boyz Planet”, to Nam DoYoon, who made an impression by playing young Jung HaeIn in the Netflix series ‘D.P.’ the participants with diverse backgrounds—including former and current idols, actors, and numerous survival show contestants—will compete for a spot in the global boy group “Universe League”.
Attention is focused on the exciting competitive story drawn by individuals who vary widely in nationality to age and experience.
The lineup of team leaders is also a reason to watch. The show is hosted by Jay Park, with BTOB’s Lee ChangSub, GOT7’s YuGyeom, EL CAPITXN, NCT:WayV Ten and YangYang leading each team as coaches.
“Universe League” is anticipated to form a new global idol group, following the success of UNIS from the first season of “Universe Ticket”, upon the group winning the coveted ‘Prism Cup’.