Do you like dancing or are you interested in watching dance choreography? If you are, you are definitely in the right place as today we will be looking deeper into choreography of K-Pop.

's Irene and SeulGi had released their follow up track 'Naughty' and fans are absolutely in love with the choreography for the song.

If you have yet to check out their music video, you can do so below.

Throughout the entire music video, you would notice that the two girls had made use of a lot of intricate and completed fingers and hand movements. This form of dancing is known as 'tutting' and it focuses on making the right angle shape.

At the start of the choreography, Irene and SeulGi were seen mirroring each other's movements and they are also very sharp when it comes to executing the different movements.

It is definitely not easy to remember the sequences seeing how they had also made use of their head and neck movements to show the symmetry that they form.

Even though both of them were supposed to portray the opposite of each other such as black and white, they are also very synchronized when dancing to the same dance steps.

One variation of tutting is also finger tutting where they made use of their fingers to make a variety of shapes and sequences.

One of highlights for the choreography of 'Naughty' would probably be the time when Irene was seen at the front and also with SeulGi at the back, making paired hand movements that match really well.

We also could not miss out the part where Irene had received her solo one shot for tutting!

Some fans might recall that this might look somewhat similar to the time when Irene and SeulGi had released the video for 'Be Natural' when they were still SM Rookies 6 years ago.

Once again, it is not easy to come up with so many different and intricate steps for tutting as there is a limit when it comes to making various shapes and patterns.

Together with dancers, the entire choreography looked even more jaw dropping than before.

It seemed like thanks to the two of them, they were able to promote this unique and interesting dance style that is hard to master and unknown to many.