GOT7 JinYoung's latest acting project is grabbing attention for how different it is from his previous works. Alongside award-winning actors Park HaeSoo and Jun JongSeo, the trio have filmed a cinematic ad that will be released in three episodes.

The cinematic ad series is called "KlayCity - RE:BUILD THE WORLD" and is advertising KlayCity. KlayCity is a play-to-earn virtual world in which you can explore, scavenge, trade. Similar to a strategy game, you get a certain number of settlements in the beginning and have to unlock more territories by playing well. 

Episode 1 of the series was released on Mar. 1, and is called 'Return to Earth'. The series is set in 2080 after Earth has been ever-changed by years of global warming and environmental damage. It has gotten to the point where people have to look for another inhabitable planet. GOT7's JinYoung is one of these travelers who is among the last group of survivors from Earth. 

You can watch the full first episode here.


While the whole cast delivered an extraordinary performance, many have been boasting about JinYoung's range as a prolific actor and how his acting made the episode feel like a film. He showed such a stellar emotional performance and had great chemistry with the other characters, especially Park HaeSoo's character. 

Fans are also excited to see JinYoung's face being advertised on large billboards all across Seoul as a result of this project.

We definitely want to see JinYoung in a full-length K-Drama or movie based in space sometime soon!

Make sure to stay tuned for episodes two and three of the series.

What did you think of the first episode and JinYoung's acting? Let us know in the comments!