SF9 are widely known for their powerful and sexy charisma. They've caused many to become smitten over their jaw-dropping performances, making them a FANTASY in no time.

Seeing their charms and heartwarming personalities, fans cannot help but shower the idol group with never-ending love and support. They use any outlet available to talk about their favorite idols, from social media to even here at Kpopmap. We allow K-Pop fans to share more about their favorite groups and bias with our readers through the Kpopmap Fan Interview Project.

These fans answer multiple questions and shed some light on their favorite idols and how their life has changed completely because of them. They offer sincere stories and heartfelt quotes, showing just how great of an impact a group like SF9 has had on their lives.

This week we meet some FANTASY as they talk about what their favorite idol group means to them.

So let's take a look at SF9 and how they capture their fans' hearts!


1. A Source Of Constant Happiness

For many, life can be extremely difficult and throw a thousand different hurdles our way. However, to FANTASY like Ms. Yoo, SF9 becomes a much needed energy boost throughout the day. Ms. Yoo says about the boy group, "They may not be aware of my existence, yet they bring me constant happiness." SF9 light up the room, up close and through screens everywhere.


2. Motivation To Work Towards A Better Future

In order to achieve their dreams, SF9 had to put in the work as trainees. Even after they stood on stage for the first time, they continued polishing their skills and are in a constant state of improvement. FANTASY like Fahmida notices their effort and is encouraged to "work hard for a better future". SF9 and FANTASY share a special relationship that motivates growth in all areas of life. The idol and fandom that grows together, stays together.


3. Always By FANTASY Side

Life can be absolutely lonely for a multitude of reasons. But with a group like SF9, fans don't need to worry about feelings of loneliness. Spanish FANTASY Desi talks about SF9 and says "when I see them, I feel like I have someone by my side despite being far away". Their presence has become a huge part of fans' lives, providing a safe haven for many FANTASY across the globe. This feeling alone makes SF9 such an amazing group to follow and stan.


4. Reminder To Appreciate The Little Things

With everything going on in the world, it can be easy to miss the smallest details in life. But for FANTASY like RoWoon Loyalist, SF9 serve as a reminder to enjoy all aspects of life. Their very presence imbues the idea that "if we will just appreciate little things in life it [life] becomes bearable." SF9 are a group that offers everything from insight, joy, and motivation all at once.


5. Encourages Self Love

We can be our own biggest critics and are often harder on ourselves than we should be. Many carry this idea that they could be doing better and beat themselves up over it. But for FANTASY like HoneyVoice99, they draw an enormous amount of strength from SF9. The idol group taught her how "to take care of myself and love myself for who I am". We all need to follow a group like SF9 that encourages self love.

These are but some quotes from FANTASY about their favorite group SF9. Thank you for sharing your stories with us and the rest of the K-Pop community.

We would love to hear from you! Follow the instructions to share your story as a fan and tell us about your favorite group(s) and bias.
Fan Interview Highlights: Quotes About SF9 And Their Influence On The Daily Lives Of FANTASY