The film ‘Firefighters’, directed by Kwak Kyung-taek, is set to be released soon. This work is based on the backdrop of The Tragedy of Hongje-dong Fire in 2001, depicting the story of firefighters who strive towards the sole goal of firefighting and rescue amidst harsh conditions. Director Kwak has expressed that through this film, he aimed to honor the sacrifices of firefighters and sincerely convey their stories.
On November 25, at the press distribution screening and media conference held at CGV Yongsan I’Park Mall in Seoul, Director Kwak showed deep affection for this work. He stated, “When I received the script proposal for ‘Firefighters’ during my previous work, I felt a sense of responsibility in dealing with the stories of firefighters,” and added, “I wanted to create a good work feeling indebted to the firefighters.”
Director Kwak emphasized a rigorous direction based on facts during the film’s production process. He mentioned, “Since it is based on a true story, I wanted to focus on sincerity rather than skill or technique,” and added, “The biggest question mark was whether firefighters would watch this movie and acknowledge it as their own.” A special screening for firefighters was also scheduled for that evening, and the director expressed anticipation.
Regarding the question about actor Kwak DoWon’s screen time, he explained, “I did not edit it to reduce Kwak DoWon’s screen time,” adding, “The editing was done to enhance the overall pacing.”
The movie ‘Firefighters’ is set to be released on December 4 and is expected to deeply convey the noble sacrifices and dedication of firefighters to the audience. There is much attention on how this film will be received in the future.