The manga community is abuzz with the news that “Sand Land: Series,” the posthumous work of manga legend Akira Toriyama, will be released worldwide via Disney+ on the 20th. Known as the creator of “Dragon Ball,” this animation is based on another of Toriyama’s short manga works. It tells the adventure of Sheriff Rao and the demon prince Beelzebub as they search for a legendary spring in a world nearly devoid of water.
The released poster, featuring Sheriff Rao, the demon prince Beelzebub, and Beelzebub’s subordinate Shifu embarking on their journey to find the legendary spring, has heightened anticipation for the animation. Following Toriyama’s passing, there has been an increased focus on his works, including this series.
“Sand Land: Series” consists of 13 episodes, with the first seven episodes available to viewers on the first day of release. Subsequent episodes will be released weekly, promising to quench fans’ thirst for the series.
The series holds significant meaning for fans as Toriyama’s posthumous work, sparking curiosity about how his imagination will be realized on screen. Whether this series will serve as his final gift and how his legacy will be etched in the hearts of fans are questions that add an intriguing layer to its release.
This series on Disney+ presents an opportunity to once again witness Akira Toriyama’s exceptional storytelling and creative world-building. With the release of “Sand Land: Series” drawing near, fans are eagerly preparing to dive into the world of the animation.