In the bustling heart of Seoul, a unique celebration unfolds as PLAVE, the sensational virtual idol group, marks its first anniversary with the launch of a pop-up store, “WAY 4 LUV.” From March 1st to March 17th, fans can immerse themselves in the world of PLAVE at EPIC SEOUL, a newly crafted space on the 5th floor of The Hyundai Seoul. This event not only commemorates PLAVE’s year of groundbreaking achievements but also introduces EPIC SEOULโs first-ever pop-up store, blending merchandise displays with customer lounge areas to create a holistic fan experience.
The pop-up store, themed around PLAVE’s latest hit “WAY 4 LUV” from their second mini-album “ASTERUM: 134-1,” promises an array of attractions. Fans will have the opportunity to participate in a lucky draw event, offering them a chance to snap photos with PLAVE, alongside exploring a variety of merchandise. This initiative coincides with The Hyundai Seoul’s 3rd anniversary and features a virtual idol concert showcasing PLAVEโs highlight reels, scheduled for March 1st and March 8th at 6:00 PM KST, each lasting 22 minutes. Admission to the “WAY 4 LUV” pop-up store is available through Naver pre-booking, inviting fans to reserve their spot for this immersive experience.
PLAVE’s ascent in the music industry has been nothing short of meteoric. Since their debut in March last year with the single “I’ll Wait,” they’ve captivated hearts worldwide. The release of their second mini-album “ASTERUM: 134-1” on February 26th saw every track soaring to the top ranks of major domestic music charts, including Melon and Bugs, with first-day sales surpassing 200,000 copies. Notably, “WAY 4 LUV” achieved a remarkable feat by entering the Music Site Hall of Fame with over 6 million streams within 24 hours of its release, a record unmatched by any new male idol group in less than a year of debut.
As PLAVE continues to redefine the landscape of the Korean music industry, their first anniversary is not just a celebration of their past achievements but a beacon of what’s to come. The “WAY 4 LUV” pop-up store invites fans and newcomers alike into the heart of PLAVE’s universe, offering a glimpse into the future of music and fan engagement. With their innovative approach and undeniable talent, PLAVE is poised for even greater heights in the years ahead, making every moment an exciting chapter in their ongoing story. Stay tuned for more updates on PLAVE’s journey and the next wave of love they’re set to unleash.