Find Out About The MBTI Personality Types Of Each DRIPPIN Member

Woollim Entertainment

MBTI personality types have grown in increasing popularity within the Korean entertainment scene. It has become almost a requirement for all celebrities to take the test in order to find out their personality type. Finding out someone’s MBTI is now a common icebreaker and conversation starter among actors, idol members, and even regular people on the street.

When Woollim idol group, DRIPPIN, came out onto the music scene, countless fans began to shower them with support. Their influence continues to even today, causing DREAMIN everywhere to search for any and all information on the boy group, including their MBTI personality types. If you’re curious about the boys’ MBTI, then look no further.

Check out the DRIPPIN members’ personality types down below!


Lee Hyeop – ISFP (Adventurer)

Find Out About The MBTI Personality Types Of Each DRIPPIN Member

Woollim Entertainment

The ISFP personality type is referred to as an Adventurer. Those with this personality type “tend to have open minds, approaching life, new experiences, and people with grounded warmth. Their ability to stay in the moment helps them uncover exciting potentials.”

The Adventurer is described as a true artist, as they see life itself as a canvas for self-expression. “Adventurers act in ways that vividly reflect who they are as unique individuals.” They are “driven by curiosity and eager to try new things. People with this personality often have a fascinating array of passions and interests.”


Hwang YunSeong – ESTP (Entrepreneur)

Find Out About The MBTI Personality Types Of Each DRIPPIN Member

Woollim Entertainment

The ESTP personality type is referred to as an Entrepreneur. Those with this personality type “tend to be energetic and action-oriented, deftly navigating whatever is in front of them.”

The Entrepreneur tend to always have an impact on their immediate surroundings. These personalities love to be the center of attention. If an audience member is asked to come on stage, Entrepreneurs volunteer – or volunteer a shy friend.


Joo ChangUk – INFJ (Advocate)

Find Out About The MBTI Personality Types Of Each DRIPPIN Member

Woollim Entertainment

The INFJ personality type is referred to as an Advocate. Those with this personality type “tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination.”

Advocates are considered some of the rarest personality types of all, but despite that, they leave a noticeable mark on the world. Idealistic and principled, they aren’t content to coast through life – they want to stand up and make a difference.


Kim DongYun – ENFP (Campaigner)

Find Out About The MBTI Personality Types Of Each DRIPPIN Member

Woollim Entertainment

The ENFP personality type is referred to as the Campaigner. These people tend to embrace big ideas and actions that reflect their sense of hope and goodwill toward others. Their vibrant energy can flow in many directions.

ENFP possess a vibrant energy that’s able to spread out in many different directions. ENFP are carefree spirits, described as outgoing and open-minded. They like having a good time, as well as establishing deep, meaningful connections with other people.


Kim MinSeo – ENFJ (Protagonist)

Find Out About The MBTI Personality Types Of Each DRIPPIN Member

Woollim Entertainment

The ENFJ personality type is referred to as the Protagonist. These personality types are warm, forthright people who love helping others. They possess strong ideas and values, reinforcing their perspective with a creative energy to achieve their goals.

Protagonists have this inner calling to a serve a greater purpose. They are often thoughtful and idealistic, striving to leave a positive impact on those around them. They are not afraid of doing the right thing, even when it is far from easy. Protagonists are born leaders with the passion and charisma to enable them to inspire others.


Cha JunHo – ISTJ (Logistician)

Find Out About The MBTI Personality Types Of Each DRIPPIN Member

Woollim Entertainment

The ISTJ personality type is referred to as the Logistician. These people tend to be “reserved yet willful, with a rational outlook on life. They compose their actions carefully and carry them out with methodical purpose.

Logisticians often pride themselves with their integrity and absolutely mean what they say. When they commit to doing something, they make sure to follow through. This personality type makes up a good portion of the overall population, and while Logisticians may not be particularly flashy or attention-seeking, they do more than their share to keep society on a sturdy, stable foundation.


Alex – ENTP (Debator)

Find Out About The MBTI Personality Types Of Each DRIPPIN Member

Woollim Entertainment

The ENTP personality type is referred to as the Debater. People with these personality types are described as bold and creative. “They pursue their goals vigorously despite any resistance they might encounter.”

Quick-witted and audacious, Debaters aren’t afraid to disagree with the status quo. In fact, they’re not afraid to disagree with pretty much anything or anyone. Few things light up people with this personality type more than a bit of verbal sparring – and if the conversation veers into controversial terrain, so much the better.

Do these MBTI results match the members of DRIPPIN? Let us know in the comments!