4 Korean Actors Who Would Be Perfect In A K-Drama Adaptation Of The Contract Siblings To Lovers Webtoon “High Society”

Cosmopolitan / "High Society by Gyeonu on Manta Comics / Kim YouJung's Instagram

The highly-rated romance fantasy webtoon “High Society,” which has captivated Korea, is now available in an official English translation!

This popular romantasy webtoon by Gyeonu is based on the award-winning web novel of the same name. It is known for its outstanding artwork depicting a worldview set in medieval Europe, nuanced characterization, solid development, and a heart-fluttering romance that will keep you at the edge of your seat.

“High Society” tells the story of a young girl named Adele Vivi, who works as a shoeshiner in the slums, hoping for a way out of the darkness. Under aggravating circumstances, she stands the risk of being sold to a brothel when she meets Cesare Buonaparte, a high-ranking noble. Cesare is facing a crossroads, too, in the form of a marriage of convenience to Lucrezia Della Valle, which he will do anything to avoid.

When we say anything, we quite literally mean it because Cesare is planning to hire someone to play his secret sister, who will get married to the Della Valle family in his stead. This way, he can avoid being wed to Lucrezia while their families maintain their good relations by honoring their promise. Adele sees this as an opportunity to escape the hellhole she is stuck in and volunteers to sell herself to the Della Valle family, where she vows to seduce the family’s son in three months and fool all of high society.

 4 Korean Actors Who Would Be Perfect In A K-Drama Adaptation Of The Contract Siblings To Lovers Webtoon “High Society”

“High Society by Gyeonu on Manta Comics

But how can a shoeshiner pass as a noblewoman? You see, Adele is a well-read polyglot with stellar visuals. She picked up multiple languages from foreigners and studied at the local public library. Most importantly, she is willing to put her life on the line for this chance. However, their plans start to get derailed when Cesare finds himself falling in love with his contract sister, Adele, or as she is known in high society, Adelaide Buonaparte.

This is one of those webtoons where you’re looking right at the red flags, but you can’t see them. Why? Because of Cesare’s adorable dimples, broad shoulders, and crystal amber eyes, adorned by the perfect beauty spot under one eye! Even when he’s a downright sociopath, plotting to kill Adele after she goes through with the marriage, you will want to see more of him as you wait for him to grovel for Adele’s affections. He’s arrogant and seductive but filled with regrets when he realizes he has to send Adele off to another man.

 4 Korean Actors Who Would Be Perfect In A K-Drama Adaptation Of The Contract Siblings To Lovers Webtoon “High Society”

“High Society by Gyeonu on Manta Comics

Adele, on the other hand, is a wonderful heroine to root for, with strength of character, fortitude, intelligence, and beauty. She is not one to let others walk all over her or push her around. She is quick-witted, and the power of ‘nunchi’ is definitely on her side. As a matter of fact, she’s perfectly suited to the antics of high society or at least knows how to deal with them way too well. In addition, her dazzling blue emerald hair and eyes that match Cesare’s make her quite the stunner. Rather than having a heart of gold, Adele has an iron-clad heart.

Our second male lead, Ezra, the man Adele is set to seduce and eventually marry, will give you the most severe case of second lead syndrome, so much so that fans have been wishing for him to be made the male lead! The webtoon has only started but it is creating quite the craze among fans.

So, as with all attractive webtoons, we couldn’t help but think of which actors would suit the main characters best if the webtoon were to be made into a K-Drama. Let’s get into our dream cast for “High Society”!


1. Adele Vivi / Adelaide Buonaparte

 4 Korean Actors Who Would Be Perfect In A K-Drama Adaptation Of The Contract Siblings To Lovers Webtoon “High Society”

“High Society by Gyeonu on Manta Comics

Adele is a very well-written female protagonist and has an excellent growth arc throughout the webtoon. She is her own person and has a strong backbone, so she stands up for herself when she needs to. However, she also knows how and when to adapt to the circumstances and take a step back. Adele is a goddess when it comes to visuals and is truly the most beautiful young woman in the kingdom. Her beauty is only matched by her own intelligence. She is like a rare gem and full of charms.

Two actresses we immediately thought of for our dream casting of Adele are Go YounJung and Kim YouJung.

 4 Korean Actors Who Would Be Perfect In A K-Drama Adaptation Of The Contract Siblings To Lovers Webtoon “High Society”

Marie Claire

Go YounJung is a rising actress who has captivated fans all over the world with her otherworldly beauty, delicate charms, and sincere personality. Despite being new in the industry, her acting has impressed us time and time again, which signals her endless potential. With her gorgeous flowing locks and angelic beauty, Go YounJung would be a wonderful pick to play Adele in a K-Drama adaptation of “High Society”.

 4 Korean Actors Who Would Be Perfect In A K-Drama Adaptation Of The Contract Siblings To Lovers Webtoon “High Society”


On the other hand, Kim YouJung is pretty much a veteran in the acting industry, having been acting since she was a child! Not only is she one of the most beautiful women in the world, but her magnetic aura and commanding presence are traits that represent Adele too! Needless to say, Kim YouJung’s unrivaled acting range is perfect for the transformation of Adele to Adelaide and we need to see it!


Who Do You Want To See As Adele In A K-Drama Adaptation Of “High Society”?


Go YounJung

Kim YouJung


2. Cesare Buonaparte

 4 Korean Actors Who Would Be Perfect In A K-Drama Adaptation Of The Contract Siblings To Lovers Webtoon “High Society”

“High Society by Gyeonu on Manta Comics

Contrary to Adele, Cesare is not a character that is readily likeable. He is definitely extraordinarily handsome, well-built, and influential, with a reputation for being a Kingmaker. However, he is sly, but in a sexy way, rather promiscuous, especially before realizing that he is actually in love with Adele, and quite rash. He goes from denying his feelings for Adele, which he justifies by their difference in class, to regretting letting her go, which makes for a satisfying read.

Two actors we have in mind for playing Cesare Buonaparte are Lee JunYoung, and Kim SeonHo.

 4 Korean Actors Who Would Be Perfect In A K-Drama Adaptation Of The Contract Siblings To Lovers Webtoon “High Society”

Blade Entertainment’s Instagram

Lee JunYoung had to have been an inspiration for author Gyeonu when they imagined the character Cesare Buonaparte. From the dimple to the mole under the eye, the tall, sculpted physique to the broad shoulders, everything about Lee JunYoung screams Cesare. In addition, with Lee JunYoung’s penchant for playing complex, layered, morally grey characters, he would be the perfect actor to play Cesare Buonaparte.

 4 Korean Actors Who Would Be Perfect In A K-Drama Adaptation Of The Contract Siblings To Lovers Webtoon “High Society”

Harper’s Bazaar Taiwan

Similarly, Kim SeonHo, also an actor who is known for his outstanding versatility and duality, as well as his dimple, of course, would make for an unforgettable portrayal of Cesare on screen. Kim SeonHo has a royal air to him and an unshakeable aura, which is only amplified by his infinite charms. We can easily imagine him as the powerful and cunning Cesare Buonaparte, and if he’s playing that character, we already know we’ll love him despite the red flags.


Who Do You Want To See As Cesare In A K-Drama Adaptation Of “High Society”?


Lee JunYoung

Kim SeonHo


Note: The polls in this article are solely for the purpose of gathering fans’ opinions. It is not meant to affect the actual casting. 

While “High Society” is not currently getting a K-Drama, this dream cast makes us wish for one nonetheless. Meanwhile, you can read “High Society” on Manta Comics in English.